Luna’s feet made no noise as she walked across the cobbled street, her pinned up hair sinking dangerously close to her cloak. Hurriedly darting across the next crosswalk, she held her bun with the back of her hand, praying she wouldn’t get more soaked than she already was.
She shielded the letter in her hand with her cloak, hoping by some miracle the ink wouldn’t run. Her eyes darted around the crowded alleyway, searching for the house described in her letter. She glanced down at the letter she held tightly in her hand, re-reading the words for the thousandth time that week.
Roommate wanted! Come stay at one of the oldest houses in the city, a historic manor that is soon to be renovated and reopened. The downstairs features a restaurant and the upstairs has three spacious floors for living quarters that can be customized to your liking! You have been selected by the owner himself and we feel that you would be a great addition to your growing crew of do-gooders.
She didn’t even know how it had come. A week ago, her door at Prismare had opened, and this letter had been slipped under. She had no clue who had delivered it, or what they really expected from her.
The library had held no mentions of Lif, and finally, three hours ago, she had decided she had better give it a try and see if she could find the house. She would do anything to get out of Prismare.
An old door came into view as she walked, peeking out from a side alley. Luna noted the position of several other side streets, making sure she’d be able to escape if she needed to.
She stepped onto the doorstep, and steadied her feet against the cold stone, not trusting the mossy looking board. She tentatively reached for the door knocker, stopping, then starting again before finally clanging it against the house.
The noise reverberated around the alley, and she skittishly looked around, but no one was out in the terrible weather.
She knocked again, harder, feeling her long nails scrap against the metal of the knocker. Rain drenched her eyelashes, and she shook her head, abandoning her quest to look presentable.
She stepped away from the doorway, and saw someone standing behind her. She quickly pulled up her hood, before appraising them from the shadows.
He had bright blue hair, and a small starlight tattoo across his brow. He too was holding a piece of paper, and Luna knew with undoubting certainty that it was the same as hers.
She walked closer, extending a hand, but keeping her cloak’s hood up. “I’m Luna. I think we have the same letter.”
She could tell he’d heard her. His eyebrows raised, but he didn’t respond, and turned his back on her. Her boot splashed a puddle as she too turned away.
She, more forcefully, knocked again, finally losing her patience when no one came to the door, even as she saw shadows moving around upstairs. They want to play with me? Fine. I’ll play.
She wrenched open the door, stepping into the ghost of a tavern. Dust rose and settled with her movements, and she slowly walked further into the tavern, feeling the elf following behind her, but not turning around for him.
Cupping her hands around her mouth, she aimed a shout at the ceiling far above her. “Hello? Lif? Is anyone here?”
Footsteps running down stairs made her want to jump up and cheer, but she restrained herself, settling on a bored look and a casual posture as the person came into view.
She wasn’t completely sure if she was human. Leaves and bark were tangled in her hair, and she had the look of someone who would oversleep every day and not realize.
Panting, she skidded to a stop in front of Luna. The girl waved a hand. “Who are you? Why are you here?” She looked scared, and Luna wondered what she could have done to scare the girl.
“I’m Luna. I’m looking for a Lif.” She scanned the girl up and down. “Is that you?”
The girl became paler than Luna had thought was possible. “I’m Bear.” She glanced around, before moving closer to Luna. “And Lif is dead.”
(to be continued)