The fish wants to get friends, but almost every other fish likes sports, like ultimate fishbee, where you throw a seashell around and follow some very confusing set of rules, too confusing for the fish to remember. The fish isn’t good at sports, so it feels like it can’t fit in. Sometimes the fish wants to add something when other fish are having a conversation. But when it finally decides to, the conversation has already moved on, so what the fish had to say was irrelevant.
The fish is only good at fishmatics and fishdrawing, so it has tried to make other friends who have similar interests. The fish constantly has trouble deciding whether or not to go to events, like the one a classmate (Fishtai) is hosting on 1day (Monday). The fish will always go to an event if there is food, but is there food at Fishtai’s event? That… is unknown.
A few days later
The fish decides to go to Fishtai’s event, so it swims to Fishtai’s house. It arrives there 20 fishminutes later. There is no food in sight, but there are a lot of fishboardgames! The fish decides to see the fishboardgames and how they work, so it swims towards them.
Another fish, Fishey, is also looking at the fishboardgames.
“Hi Fishlin!” Fishey said.
“Hi!” Fishlin responded.
It took the fish a few seconds to realize that its name was Fishlin. Fishlin had an annoyed expression, and seemed to think Why do fish have short term memory?
“Do you want to play Fishopoly?” Fishey asks Fishlin.
“Sure!” Fishlin said.
Fishlin had a lot of fun playing Fishopoly with Fishey, and decided that an event could be good without food.