(Warning, there is mild violence in this story!)
Arc 1: “The Dawn of Heroes”
Previously on The Adventures of Daniel and Duke: The modern world suffers a great calamity when Denbie, the king of the animal spirits, descends from the heavens with his army to overthrow human rule. However, with a sudden turn of events, we see three heroes emerge from the darkness: A mercenary named Daniel, his sister, Allie, a bounty hunter named Liam, and of course, yours truly, the Narrator.
And now, on to the current episode of The Adventures of Daniel and Duke.
Chapter 3: Enter, Duke, Ex-General of the Animal Army
Daniel, Allie, and Liam lowered themselves into the Deep Water Cave. It was dark and quite rocky, but there was almost a sense of a blue aesthetic on the walls of the cave. Daniel and his comrades set foot onto the craggy surface and surveyed.
“Well, now we know why they call it Deep Water Cave,” Liam remarked. The cave was practically flooded with water, with only parts of stone land peeking out at the top.
“I still don’t understand why we need to do this,” Allie muttered to herself.
“Let’s hustle,” Daniel commanded. “We must be cautious. We could slip and hurt ourselves if we aren’t paying attention.”
“Come to think of it, I don’t see anybody down here. Maybe those fables were just gossip?” Liam inquired. “Maybe, those travelers just wanted attention, and there was nothing to worry about at all.”
“Don’t be absurd. Those people still haven’t been found, so there’s a reason for their disappearances,” Allie scoffed. “Now, where are we looking first, Daniel?”
Allie looked to her left, but Daniel was nowhere to be seen.
“D-Daniel?” Allie panicked. She glanced all over, and so did Liam.
“Darn it, where did he go?” Liam asked. “He’s gonna get himself dispatched!”
“Daniel! Daniel, where are you?” Allie and Liam called out.
Daniel was already by himself exploring the cave, oblivious to the fact that Allie and Liam had been searching for him. He approached a gaping hole in the cavern wall. It was bigger than him. He peeked inside, his sword ready. What resided inside the hole was perhaps one of humanity’s current greatest fears.
It was an Animal Spirit. (Hope you guys enjoyed that suspense scene.
Daniel gulped and thought to himself. “I need to get the heck outta here!” He slowly backed up and skipped across a pool of water and onto the next piece of land.
“Pardon me, but please state your business here, human,” a voice called out.
Daniel turned around and swung his sword, intending to cut the entity. However, the Animal Spirit had grabbed the blade of Daniel’s sword. The spirit was a dog, a Dogue De-Bordeaux (French Mastiff), and a large, muscular one at that. He wore a black top hat, just like Daniel’s, except he had a small red band around the edge. He wore a large red cape and golden shoulder plates over a black business suit with red lining and gold buttons. Underneath, he wore a gray shirt, a belt with bullets, and dark blue jeans, with golden knee pads and golden boot spats over his bronze shoes. The spirit laughed.
“Your blade needs a tune-up,” he said. “Now, if you don’t mind, please answer my question. After all, it has only been about three days since I last encountered a human.”
“You…You’re the one responsible for those disappearances!” Daniel exclaimed.
“Well, not really. I do take some credit. But most of those poor souls ran away, and either got lost or died from falling into the waterfall.”
Daniel said nothing, but he yanked his sword away from the Spirit’s hand and pointed the blade at his throat.
“Tell me who you are! If you try anything, I’ll gut you before you can say Fuzzy Pickles!”
The Spirit pointed the blade away from his throat and bowed.
“My name is Duke. I was formerly known as the general of the Animal Army. However, I am no longer associated with the organization. Now that I have introduced myself, I believe you should do the same. It is the polite thing to do.”
Daniel was speechless. “Duke…I-Impossible! How can this be? I haven’t heard that name in years…Come to think of it, he does look like him…Can it be…That I have been reunited with my best friend?”
“My name is Daniel. Daniel John Wilson, Jr. I am a mercenary. I came down here with my sister, Allie, and my friend, Liam. We were looking for survival supplies.”
Duke stood up. “Daniel John Wilson Jr…” Duke stared at Daniel. He did look very familiar. Duke chuckled.
“I had a feeling it was you, Daniel. I couldn’t have believed it, but we’ve finally been reunified after all this time, old friend.”
Meanwhile, Allie and Liam were still on the hunt for Daniel.
“He’s got to be around here somewhere!” Allie said.
“Or maybe he chickened out? I mean, I wouldn’t mind going back up to the surface!”.
“Okay, really, Liam?” Allie said. “He’s not that much of a scaredy-cat.”
Allie and Liam then turned and spotted Daniel and Duke.
“D-Daniel!” Allie exclaimed.
“It’s an Animal Spirit!” Liam yelled, and he pulled out his small bayonet.
“No, don’t shoot!” Daniel exclaimed. “This isn’t what it looks like!”
“What’s going on here, Daniel? Why is there an Animal Spirit here? He could be planning to act friendly just so he can kill us!” Allie scolded.
“Now, now, there’s no need to be alarmed,” Duke said. “You two look familiar as well. Is that you, Allie? And you too, Liam? I understand if you are afraid, but it is I, Duke!”
Allie and Liam were flabbergasted.
“Y-you’re lying!” Allie said. “Tell us something the real Duke would know, when he was still a dog!”
“I remember when we used to play tug of war with a big green ball.” Duke turned to Daniel. “Or perhaps when I accidentally crushed your Thomas the Tank Engine toy in my mouth.”
“Holy crap, He’s right!” Allie cried. “He ain’t lying!”
The four stood in silence.
“Duke. It’s been two years since the Animal Army, but…I haven’t seen you. Where have you been?” Daniel asked.
“Well, I suppose I must do some explaining,” Duke said. “Very well, I shall tell you my story.”
And so, Duke then proceeded to go into an in-depth backstory, just like every other mentor character in the media!
“As you know, two years ago a man named Jerry and his pet wolf named Denbie were reported missing after going on a trip in the woods. Jerry had survived, barely, but Denbie, however, did not, and Jerry held a funeral for him after he got out of the hospital. When Denbie crossed the Rainbow Bridge and over into our heavens, he was the definition of pure rage. He had found out about how Jerry had survived, and he decided that he would attempt to kill him again. But he later began to go mad, very mad. He wanted to then exterminate the entire human race. You may be wondering why I even joined him in the first place. The reason why was that he had lied to me. He told me that he wanted to assemble an army to kill the bad people, ones who abused animals, hunted animals, etc. But he also said he would establish peace between the humans and Animal Spirits. So, I joined him, and I was later promoted to the general of the now-established Animal Army. However, one night, I had begun seeing Denbie’s true colors, and I found out his true intentions. I was enraged, and I decided to confront him about it. However, it didn’t go so well, and I was blacklisted from ever working alongside the Animal Army again, and I was told that if I were to ever begin an uprising against him, I would be hunted down, and killed, and the same fate would happen to those who decided to help me in any way. So, I ran away, and I hid down here in the Deep Water Cave. And the rest is history.”
“So, you intend to…Stop Denbie?” Daniel asked.
“Correct,” Duke said. “That damn wolf lied and cursed me. All I wanted was to establish peace. But he’s too blinded by rage to even consider that as an option. Which is why if I’m going to win, then I must take him down by force.”
“Who said you’d be working alone?” Daniel asked.
“Daniel, don’t…” Allie persuaded.
Duke looked shocked. “You…Want to help me?”
“Of course, Duke! We’re finally together again! Why would we want to be separated from each other again? Besides, do you remember what I said to you before…Before…Well…Before you passed? I told you that we would see each other again and that no matter what, we’d always stick together!” Daniel said.
Duke smiled. “Thank you, Daniel. You haven’t changed a bit. I can still see the young, cheerful boy that I once knew in you.”
“So wait, let’s recap. You mean to tell me, that you used to work for Denbie, and then he betrayed you, and now you want to overthrow him, and now, we’re gonna have to help you do this?” Liam asked.
“Correct.” The Narrator narrated. “You must all join forces, and go on an adventure! That’s what this tale is about, is it not?”
“Oh great. Here we go again, risking our lives.” Allie uttered, disappointed.
“Don’t worry, Allie. We have Plot armor.” Daniel reassured.
“Well, then it’s settled. We shall leave the cave, and…Well, I don’t know what to do just yet, but we’ll come up with a plan, just like every action-oriented protagonist!” Duke declared.
And so, Daniel, Allie, Liam, and Duke began their mission around the world to cease Denbie and the Animal Army!
Chapter 4: Devising a Plan (That The Script Wants)
And so, just like Duke said earlier, the four of them left the Deep Water Cave to embark on their new trek to confront Denbie. They reached the area where they had tied the rope, climbed back up, and brushed their clothes.
“Okay, so, what now?” Liam questioned.
“I still can’t believe that we’re doing this.” Allie rolled her eyes. “Does anybody expect us of all people to be able to take down the Animal King?”
“Well, the reader probably does,” Daniel suggested, breaking the fourth wall at an inappropriate moment once again.
“Enough with breaking the fourth wall!” The Narrator scolded. “Darn, there I go again with narrating my narration! Anyways, according to the story here, it says that you go back to Daniel’s house to discuss a plan. Now GO!”
“Ok, geez! We’ll get moving!” Duke barked. (Haha, a dog pun!)
Daniel, Allie, Liam, and Duke packed their belongings up and walked back to Daniel’s house.
“Well, here we are,” Daniel said. “This is practically the only thing that Allie and I have left now.”
“Wow, it sure has been a long time since I was here,” Liam said. “Remember when we used to go to the gym together and then come back here to swim in your pool during the summer?”
“Oh yes. And I also remember us eating a whole box of pop-ems…That certainly didn’t help with losing weight,” Daniel remarked.
The four sat down at the table, which was surprisingly not as dusty as the rest of the furniture in the house. Daniel leaned his AK-47 against the cream, white wall, and Liam and Duke too, leaned their rifles next to Daniel’s gun. Allie placed her crossbow on the table and sat down.
“Okay, so we’re supposed to make a plan. Got any ideas, Duke?” Allie asked.
“I’m glad you asked, Allie,” Duke said. He pulled out a small scroll of a map of the current world, which didn’t look too different from how it was before the apocalypse, except there’s now a small island in the Northeast section of Russia, in the Pacific Ocean.
“As you can see here, we are on Long Island,” Duke spoke. “Over here, is Denbie’s castle. You may notice that this island wasn’t here before, and that’s because Denbie had discovered that this piece of land had risen from the ocean, so he decided to build his base there. We just need to get there as soon as possible.”
“Well, that shouldn’t be too hard, we can just take a plane there,” Liam suggested.
“We can’t,” Duke objected. “Because I departed from the Animal Army, I won’t be able to board any transportation that is owned by them. Almost every spirit has heard of how I got blacklisted. We must travel the world differently. I suggest that we use a different vehicle that is easy for us to get our hands on, like a car.”
“Or we can just steal,” Daniel snickered.
“Not a good idea. On a mission like this, we should do our best to lay low. The least we can do on this already fatal journey is to not captivate any attention from the Animal Army.” Allie said.
“So…Should we try to drive to a dock? We can get a boat,” Liam proposed.
“No, we can’t do that. That will make the story way too short,” Duke contradicted. “According to the script here, we need to drive to Pennsylvania to meet up with someone that I know.”
“Well, now we all know how borderline unrealistic this story will be…” Daniel mumbled.
“Oh yeah, and to add to that, it turns out that Denbie has seven high-ranked generals of the Animal Army. A couple of which I’ve met myself. We must also defeat them according to the script. Oh, and also because if we just headed straight to Denbie, he’d just summon them and we’d be deader than a child who comes home with bad grades.” Duke appended.
“So we’re going to Pennsylvania?” Allie asked. “Who are we gonna meet there?”
“That, I’m afraid, I cannot say at the moment. They wish to remain anonymous until we meet them. They’re staying at an abandoned ammunition factory. However, I feel that you and Daniel will recognize them.” Duke said.
“Yeah, this sounds great and all, but where will we get a car?” Liam asked.
The group pondered for a moment.
“I told you we need to steal,” Daniel said.
“No way!” Allie yelled. “I told you that was a bad idea!”
“Yes, take heed to Allie’s advice,” Liam said. “We’ll just have to buy the car.”
“Oh, alright,” Daniel groaned. “It’s just easier to steal in my book.”
“So, it’s settled. We’ll buy a car, and then head to Pennsylvania, and meet up with the two others who will be helping us.” Duke. “Then, we’ll take it from there.”
Duke rolled up the map and placed it inside his suit.
“Pack your belongings up. Bring food, water, ammunition, firearms, blades, blankets, pillows, and just about anything that we can use to help us. It will be a long trip.”
Even though I’m the Narrator, I’m just gonna put this whole scene into some simple words for you: Daniel, Allie, Liam, and Duke, just packed everything that was mentioned above, as well as some other things that I’m sure will be handy later. Maybe. Now, onto the next scene!
“Well, what can I do for you, fine customers?” a young woman asked as she stood up from under a safari-like car.
“We’d like to purchase a vehicle,” Allie said. “We’re…Going on a trip to Pennsylvania.”
“Luckily for you, this should do the job,” the young mechanic said. She glanced at Daniel and gasped.
“Y-you! You’re that young thief, Daniel! There’s no way in hell that I’m selling this vehicle to the likes of you.”
“Wait, ma’am! Please, hear us out. We aren’t looking to steal. Here is some cash, if you are willing to take it,” Duke pleaded.
“An animal spirit? What business do you have with these hooligans? And give me that dough!” The mechanic snatched the money from Duke’s hand.
“Erm, well. It’s confidential. It could put all of us in danger, but no worries! I have no intentions to incapacitate you,” Duke chuckled. “But, do me a favor, if anybody asks if you’ve seen us, please say no.”
By then, Daniel and the others had already finished loading the safari car. Daniel peeked out the window.
“Well, Duke, are you coming yet, or what?” Daniel grinned.
Duke smiled and nodded. “Yes, I am.” He turned back to the mechanic. “Thank you for your time, Ma’am.” Duke walked over to the other side, opened the door, and sat in the passenger seat next to Liam, who was in the driver’s seat.
“Off we go. To Pennsylvania,.” Duke declared.
Chapter 5: Enter, Mors, The Commander of the Animal Officers
“Erm, well. It’s confidential. It could put all of us in danger, but no worries! I have no intentions to incapacitate you. But, do me a favor, if anybody asks if you’ve seen us, please say no.” These were the exact words that the young mechanic, Kinsley, thought of when Mors, one of the leading chiefs of the Animal Officers and his hunters, had approached her.
“Hello, are you going to answer me, Kinsley?” Mors asked.
“Oh! Um, yes. Sorry. The safari car was taken by someone else already. A group of people and an animal spirit.”
Mors raised his bushy, dark eyebrow. “An animal spirit? And what is an animal spirit doing with you, humans?”
“I don’t know, sir. I’m very sorry. The spirit said that he was going on a secret trip to Pennsylvania.”
Mors grunted and leaned in towards Kinsley. “And what did this spirit look like?”
“He was a brown dog! He wore a red cape and a black top hat!” Kinsley blurted out. The soldiers behind Mors gasped. One of the soldiers tapped him on the shoulder.
“Sir Mors, do you think that this is…”
Mors nodded. “Indeed. This spirit. He has been nothing but trouble to Lord Denbie. This is Duke, the general who fell from his grace when he went against Denbie’s wishes.” Mors pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Kinsley. It had a vintage yellow tint and read “WANTED” in big, bold lettering. Under that, was a picture of Duke.
Kinsley spoke. “Yes! Yes, this is the guy! And he was going with three people!”
Mors nodded. “Thank you for your time, Kinsley. I must say, though. I am a bit disappointed in you for not informing us earlier. Denbie is very adamant about us finding Duke to sentence him for his exec-I mean…Punishment. Normally, I’d have my cohorts handle you accordingly, but I wouldn’t want to ruin the little business that we have going on.”
Mors raised his hand and declared, “Everyone, we’re going to find that safari car and bring Duke in!”
“Wait!” Kinsley called out. “Before you go, take this!” Kinsley handed Mors a piece of paper, much like Duke’s, it was a wanted poster, but instead, it was for Daniel.
“Daniel Wilson. Wanted dead or alive, has a bounty of $5,900.” Mors read. “And why would I care about some pathetic homo-sapien with a bounty on his head?”
“He was one of the men that were with Duke! He’s a renowned thief and mercenary! You must be careful around him. He may not look the type but this man is good at what he does!”
Mors scoffed. “Don’t worry. No offense, but the Animal Army is far superior to you pesky humans. This Daniel that you say is dangerous will be easier than crushing a bug. But, I do appreciate your help, Kinsley. You have proven to be a very loyal and cooperative servant to Lord Denbie. I will be sure to inform him that you shall be spared.”
Mors turned back to his group once again. “Now, Onward!”
Meanwhile, Duke and the others were making their way toward Pennsylvania. Allie looked out the window.
“You know, it’s really sad that this world has become what it is now.”
“You’re telling me,” Liam said. “But I guess we have each other.”
The group stayed silent for a moment. Duke broke the silence.
“So…What have you three been up to before we all came together?” He asked.
“Well, when the apocalypse started I decided to take up the task of being a bounty hunter,” Liam explained. “I did pretty well, I got a decent amount of catches. I even have a bit of a bounty on my head myself! $2,600.”
“Woah,” Daniel said. “Come to think of it, I think I do recall seeing a wanted poster for you back on Long Island.”
Duke turned back towards Daniel. “What about you two?”
“Well, I did become a mercenary. And maybe a thief also,” Daniel snickered. “But I only did it for survival, and to help out Allie, who has been doing nothing.”
“Shut up, that’s not true, Daniel! I’ve been the one who’s been training more!” Allie scolded.
Daniel laughed.
“Alright, that’s enough, you two.” Liam intervened.
“Ugh, thank you, Liam. I couldn’t stand their arguing. I hate all of you!” The Narrator narrated.
“Wow, thanks a lot,” Duke responded grumpily.
“Well, you don’t have a choice. You need to narrate the story because you need the money!” Daniel exclaimed.
“And who told you that?” The Narrator asked, clearly flabbergasted.
“You did, at the beginning of the story!” Allie responded.
“Well, guess what! I’d rather be broke than continue to narrate this story and deal with your shenanigans! I don’t get paid enough for this!”
“What! We can’t continue the story without the Narrator!” Liam exclaimed. “Quick, we need to do something!”
“No matter what you do, I’m not gonna give in! I’m done with narrating! I need to go back to working at Dunkin’ Donuts!” The Narrator exclaimed.
Duke reached into his pocket and pulled out a conveniently placed stack of cash and handed it to the Narrator.
“Now can you narrate the rest of the story?” Duke asked.
The Narrator observed and graciously took the money. “Of course! Anyways, according to the story here, there’s gonna be a squad car in front of you blocking the road.”
“Wait, what?” Daniel asked.
Sure enough, the Narrator was right, and a squad car blocked the road. Liam looked shocked.
“Crap! It’s the Animal Officers!” He exclaimed. “We’re doomed!”
“WE’RE GONNA DIE!!!!!” Daniel shrieked, immaturely. (Seriously guys, do you want to root for this guy?”)
Allie sighed. “Well, we’ve come this far. It looks like that mechanic ratted us out.”
“I’m gonna get her with my sword the next time I see her if I find out she did!” Daniel growled.
“Liam, slow the car down,” Duke ordered. “Let’s see what they want.”
Liam reluctantly slowed the vehicle down in front of the squad car. Duke stepped out and looked around. In front of him were Mors and his troop.