SECTION ३: Orionisians Arrive!
While Delta Scorpii was in turmoil after the recent revolution chronicled in Book # LXXXVII, the system of Sol was experiencing similar big changes. When the Orionisians arrived, many of the ancient surface empires at the time were not aware of their presence. This was due to their unreliable global communication methods, which were highlighted by no official anti-AI technology, or at least a very ununified one. Scholars cannot be certain, however, as surface earth society recorded most of its history at that time digitally, which, until recently, gave archaeologists reason to believe that around २००० (͵β) ac there was a third true global dark age, bumping the actual third global dark age up to fourth when it was classified as such. Most of their so-called “software,” containing much of that time period’s information about these ancient “cultures,” as the hardware that retained them was mostly rendered useless by certain future events.
However, pre-historians have gathered many bits and pieces of information from painted calligraphy using plant blood or carbon, a Sol-system mineral found in great quantities in other planets, sometimes found in the form of a “crystal” known as a diamond. This blood-crystal mixture was used to stain processed cross-sections of the tissue of giant plants called “trees”! Some “trees” were as big as the giant earth creatures! This mixture of language chemicals was stored in a sharp tube, which has the potential to kill a person, or even one of the savage earth people!!!
One thing we can gather from the “writings” is that earth culture and mythology was very convoluted. While most think of the earth civilizations at the very end of their reign on earth as living in submarines, wearing helmets & face masks, and wielding spears, not all of earth creatures did this. In fact, spears, a weapon commonly used by late earth creatures, were invented a long time before the type of face mask typically seen on late earth creatures.
While many think of late earth creatures as believing in normal religions, like Zeus, many seem to have turned to a religion worshipping many demi-gods, coming from religious leaders known as Marvel, Luckusfilm, and a sort of cult known as Dreamworks. These mythologies are grouped into the same sort of belief as many people seemed to omniststicly believe in all of them, even when their philosophies directly contradict each other, such as who controls lighting, or how old the multiverse is. Sometimes great gatherings and ceremonies took place, called comic-cons, to honor the Gods, where people dress up as the worshipped ones in their “literature”. We have found fossilised remains of people in such outfits after the purge.
When the Orionisians arrived, they looked just as the earth creatures expected, they came in things called “flying saucers,” spoke in weird voices, and used those voices to say “take me to your leader.” This was all foretold by things called “books.’ The world “governments” did what the “books” prophesied them to do: they gave these aliens a name, and tried to make peace-ish with them. They called them Orionisians, because they came from the direction of Orion, which means “hunter” or something. Hunters are kinds of Earth creatures that kill or trap other Earth creatures for food or because, as one might notice if they visit, it is entertaining to kill Earth creatures. Many “governments” put these traditions where you look at shapes that the stars do not actually make in things called newspapers—more plant guts, where people look at “their stars” or something.
Anyway, the aliens did exactly what was expected of them, go into inevitable war with the dominant species of earth, the Atlantians. T[Redacted]….
Make sure you learn all of these strange earth vocabulary “”words”
SECTION ४: Orionisians Arrive!

The Atlantians were also exactly as many surface earth things expected, including the fact that they were slightly miffed at several gallons of oil being dropped on their capital, especially once the Atlantians stopped using gas powered vehicles. Internal politics slowed down most responses they wanted to give, which made sense as the Atlantians had many different countries all of which had very sophisticated governments. It is unclear if Earth creatures believed that there were things under the water and off of their exoplanet; their mythology, as mentioned, is as convoluted as their culture.
Each of these stories (being from off the exoplanet, and beings under its surface) would have gone just as foretold, if not for the fact that they happened at the same time. This might not have been quite as important if surface creatures were not caught between a war between different Atlantean countrie’s navies, and various Orionisian government armadas… Stay tuned for the next section.
Jellyfish by Praveen Thotagamuwa on Unsplash. Header image by Nidhi Bhat.