Opal glowered as Sapphire, furious and aghast at her twin sister’s complete shamelessness. Their brother, Ash-Lee, held the leash of the family cat, Oberon, in his hand, staring blankly at his two older sisters, waiting for them to give him the cat.
“You can’t walk Oberon right now.” Said Opal, plainly. “I set up my legos, and the cat treats, and want to take a video of Oberon wrecking them like Jurassic kitty.”
Sapphire rolled her eyes. “Oh, Opal, You can’t be serious. Please! It’s time to walk Oberon, I promised to show Walter and Vannessa him. They were so delighted with my cat.”
Ash-Lee nodded. “Yeah. The ghosts that live in the forest. Remember, the ones that stole your lucky gold necklace, a year ago?”
“But, I’m using Oberon. And I had him first, you can’t just take him away – even if you made a promise to ghosts.” Said Opal. “That’s not democracy.”
“That’s anarchy.” Snapped back Sapphire. “And I’ve got magic on my side.”
“That’s a lie.” Snapped Opal. “And I had him first, so magic better not come after him.”