Henry the Dog: The Cat Catastrophe
Chapter 15
Change of Plans
My jaw drops open in total astonished silence.
Could Jingles or Patricia have possibly known that we had broken out of the Pound and were onto them?
A quick glance tells me that Baxter, Jonathan, and Sherman are all thinking the same thing.
“OK guys, change of plans. Sherman, find Sheriff and his team and tell them what happened. Bring them here and tell them to guard the exits. Same signals if Jingles and Patricia leave. Baxter, Jonathan, come with me. We can hide behind the pile of boxes by the entrance to the alley.” Sherman trots off, and Sherman, Jonathan, and I creep silently toward the boxes to find out what Operation Domination is once and for all. <>
Crouched behind the boxes, we can just hear what Jingles and Patricia are saying. They are whispering carefully, so as not to be heard, but from our vantage point, we can still make out their words.
“One must always be careful, Patricia dear,” says Jingles, “a great mastermind always knows that someone or other might want to eavesdrop. Lucky I noticed some other dogs following us and lured them to the other alley. I’ve been here only a week and I already know this place like the back of my paw. It’s a good quality to have. I also know another piece of important information. I overheard one of the dogs giving the others orders he said were directly from…Henry.”
“But…but…that isn’t possible! How could he and Sherman have escaped?” gasps Patricia.
“Apparently, you were right. The mutt, who by the way looks like his brain was not big enough to do anything except follow orders…” “I know him,” says Patricia disgustedly, “that’s Buster, as rambunctious as anything but never does anything unless Henry or his own owners say so.”
“As I was saying,” continues Jingles, “Buster mentioned a mouse. You were right about the pound. It is indeed colonized by helpful mice. They must have indeed helped them escape. Buster also mentioned another dog. He must have escaped from the pound with them. It doesn’t matter, however, Sally’s friends are coming tomorrow.”
“But Jingles, how do you know this?”
“Deductive reasoning, my dear Patricia. Every great mind can do it properly enough to deduce simple facts like that.”
“Now, you said you were going to tell me about Operation Domination? Please do. I cannot wait any longer.”
“Yes. Let us begin.