Chapter two: Fallen
I sat down on my bed as Emirah left the room. My shoulders felt heavy. Why…? Why did this keep happening?
I sighed and tried to remember a time when the shadows weren’t there, but it was hard to remember anything. I didn’t want to get up off the bed. I didn’t want to do anything. I just… wanted to give up and do nothing.
Even though it was only the afternoon, I climbed into bed and pulled the covers over myself. I was still wearing my raincoat, but I didn’t care. My eyes started to close even though I wasn’t sleepy. As I drifted off, a light started shining in the room… Where was it coming from? I looked outside the window, but it was just the same view as it always was. And the door to the hallway was the same.
The light started getting brighter, to where it was almost blinding me. I squinted desperately, and looked down. I could see light seeping through the cracks in the floorboards. What the heck?!
I heard a loud, unmistakable crack, and pieces of the floor beneath me crumbled away. A hole began to form beneath my feet. The light was scorchingly bright. I yelped and cried for help. Avoiding the hole, I ran to the door and tried to open, but it was locked? I don’t know how, as the lock was on the inside… either way, it wouldn’t budge.
The floor gave in more, a terrifying crunch ringing though the room as it ripped open a deeper hole as before. I watched in horror as larger portions ripped off and fell through into a seemingly endless white void. Whole pieces of furniture fell through, but they didn’t seem to hit a bottom. A bed that big would surely make a sound, right?
Was this going to swallow the whole room? What would happen to me if I fell into that?
An awful creaking and groaning came from below me. Finally, the floor gave out below me and I toppled into a blinding bright hole that appeared to never end.
I closed my eyes.