Creator of the SCP franchise: Wesley Williams. On: 4chan. under user: ANONYMOUS USER. (later identified as username Moto42)
Very many years ago, there was a man named George. See, George was a very unusual man, some referred to him as Doctor Wonder. He made interesting human-like toys, but no one really asked him how he created these ultra realistic toys. They were made from God Knows what, they couldn’t talk, nor move in any way. You could dress them, or undress them, like life sized barbies. They were bought for all sorts of reasons; for one, the collector’s value, they all had numbers, and each model had a number from 1 to 100. For the second reason, you could do anything with them, and for the sake of keeping this story with a teen rating, I’ll leave it at that. For the third, they were so realistic that doctors could practice on them, they had every organ, every part, every blood cell even that a human could. No one knew how he made them. When someone bought them for reasons he didn’t intend, they would sue you, so when the FBI tried to inspect them, it didn’t go well. You could buy the perfect boyfriend, girlfriend, or really anything (they even made pets for those with allergies). So, when Bob bought one, he expected to have some fun with it, then get rid of it (they have VERY realistic and creepy eyes, and Bob didn’t like that). After putting the “toy” in his room, he went to bed.

After three or four hours asleep, on February 15, 2024, he heard a rustling from his room. He was scared out of his mind by the toy, or more, the lack of the toy. It was completely gone, without a trace. See, he bought a toy that wouldn’t move, that was the point you see, but the toy had moved, something it shouldn’t have done. He immediately got off his bed and slowly walked towards the lack of a toy. The spot where it was standing had claw marks, perhaps three inches long, deep into the wood floor. He heard a creaking behind him and slowly turned around. There, posed for a pounce, was the 5’ 1” blonde toy girl he bought from Dr. Wonder, but it did not look nearly as appealing now as it did then. It wore the same clothes (which is none) as it did when he bought it. But it had long extended claws with long metal looking teeth, it jumped on him and dispatched him very quickly. What you, the reader, did not know (as I didn’t mention it) was that Bob was a MI6 agent who was supposed to see if the toys were in fact not toys at all. Poor Bob is now dead, however.
George was sitting in his lavish gold and wood living room, watching some anime, when his secretary walked in. She explained that a man was killed by model 04-15-14-20-20-18-21-19-20-20-08-5-13 (code name: Alice). He knew this would happen, as Bob was a known CIA agent hellbent on discovering his truths. Now, as the narrator I will tell you the truth. The toys are not toys at all. Instead, they are [REDACTED BY Bob Withers, MI6 Agent, Feb 16, 2024. Upon his own accord.]
Image by: ANONYMOUS USER. on: Wikipedia