WriteNOW Workshop

Sparks of new stories from WriteNOW Workshop!
In our webinars, students respond to in-class prompts with spontaneous drafts that often turn into new stories. Students collaborate to inspire each other and produce […]

Selected poems by WriteNOW poets!
“Stains” by Mischa W.Bruises on both our kneesA hug or twoA funny feelingA spark waiting to be kindledSecrets in our eyesWaiting to be uncoveredA laugh, […]

Art show, spring 2024
By Xan Geffert By Sarah Gwinup Photos from Korea. Most of these were taken in Busan or Busan satellite cities, but the two airport pictures […]

Images and imagination!
A picture suggests a thousand words and many different stories! Some of students’ favorite pieces this semester began from photo prompts during our webinars. The […]

Writing from WriteNOW poets!
Students found inspiration for poetry all around them- lines or phrases from a poem discussed in the webinar, elements of nature, or everyday things they […]

“The Enchanted Orange Tree” by Julien M.
Six-year-old Lily lay on the ground with her favorite fairy tale book, The Enchanted Orange Tree, leaves scattered all around her. She had seen it at […]

“Merry-go-round” by Zoe P.
The abandoned carnival was so silent you could hear a pin drop, if not for the sloshing waves before me. The blue water was calling […]

A few WriteNOW webinar highlights!
WriteNOW Workshop students continue to amaze me with their on-the-spot flashes of inspiration, their readiness to experiment and take risks, and their enthusiasm for sharing […]

“Frog: Another dream in the collection” by Zoe P.
“Frog: another dream in the collection”by Zoe P. As we walked below the rows of slightly disheveled houses, something cold and sticky landed with a […]