Water drops like thoughts
thoughts like drops of Water
Reflect on the world
world on the Reflection
Mirrors imitate like ideas
ideas imitate like Mirrors
You are the reflection
reflection are You
Light bounces like thinking
thinking bounces like light
You are the reflection
reflection are You
You fight the reflection in the water
yet the reflection is You
I am Forlorn. I am lost in an endless land of sorrow. I do not belong, I have not any meaning.
I am crippled from suffering,
The cold and wet droplets of depression fall on my back.
The sharp sting of rejection fills me with agony.
Yet there is an ember of hope in the darkness.
A ember that can set ablaze my suffering.
A hand that can pull me from this pit of sadness.
A small piece of hope in the dark.
I am Forlorn,
Yet there is an ember, an ember that can awaken me from this sleep of agony.