2165 – Journal No. 1
by Sam Benkin
Journal/Chronicle entry No.1 September 15, 9:30 PM
I have a wonderful life down in Aria, with a stable job as the lead medical scientist for the government of New America, a nice apartment in the middle of Cybgota, and a brand new F75 Coyot Flyer. However, I do wonder if I’m doing things right as the job that I do requires a lot of responsibility and impacts millions of people’s lives. I often wonder if we really are living in the best period in human history. I guess in some aspects we are, as war has been eradicated and the vast majority of diseases are cured such as heart disease, cancer, and even the common cold. The world has united (literally, I mean even America and Canada came together to make New America) in a way never seen before in the last 50 years, and it has medically and technologically advanced at an astonishing rate thanks to scientists such as myself.
I do, however, worry about the threat of advanced life on other planets or even other galaxies. As we have had warning signs brought about to us through the sky turning different colors at times, as if they are trying to communicate some sort of code to us. I have warned my colleagues and my government higher ups about these things, but some of my scientist colleagues don’t want to investigate out of pure doubt of the reality that is the situation. Also, some of them don’t want to investigate out of fear of provoking the ultra-powerful government to fire them and ruin their career, and the government does not want to investigate it out of greed. The higher ups attempt to make the argument that sending a NASA team of scientists up to space to investigate the matter would cause panic and cost the government billions of dollars. Some of my colleagues also want to investigate – although we are the minority.
Overall, the warnings are clear. Yet, the ones in charge will not do anything about it. To any visitors from other planets or human survivors, of what is coming – I hope when you are reading this that humanity has prevailed or is living in peace with the coming invaders. If not however, we did not mean to screw ourselves over, that was the decision of a few.